Holter Monitor
What is a Holter Monitor?
A Holter monitor will record your heart rate and rhythm while the monitor is worn. It is used to detect abnormal heart rhythms which may be occurring when you experience symptoms (such as shortness of breath, palpitations / irregular heartbeats, dizziness, fainting etc.) or when you are sleeping.
Testing Procedure
Your skin will be prepared for the application of an adhesive electrode, which may include cleaning the skin, light sanding and shaving of hair. The electrode is small, about the size of a band aid and will not restrict movement.
Before the monitor is attached, a resting electrocardiogram (ECG) may be performed, unless you have had one within the past month in these rooms.This will involve 10 electrodes and wires being placed on your chest, arms, and legs to record the electrical activity of your heart. This is used as a baseline to your heart’s normal rate and rhythm.
A small monitor will be attached with stickers to your chest.
The procedure will take approximately 15-20 minutes. The technician will provide you with all the information necessary while fitting the monitor.
The monitor should be returned to the GC Heart Care reception desk at a specified time (the technician will advise you of the return time when you have the monitor fitted).
Please continue your usual activity whilst wearing the monitor.
How do I prepare?
Do not use any lotions or powders on your chest area.
You will be able to bathe and get the monitor wet, but please do not go swimming.
You should shower with your back to the water.
Please wear a two-piece outfit with a loose-fitting shirt / top.
Associated Risks
There are no know risks associated with the procedure.